Green Midsummer Pesto (Vegan)

This is my first recipe of the year using home grown produce.  The kale is doing really well – as it always does, and this year I’ve finally been bothered to protect it from the butterflies with some netting. (I really hope they find somewhere else just as lovely to lay their eggs!)  So I’m…

Persian Bulgur with Aubergine

This is a momentous day – after more than 2 years sporadic  blogging – I finally include an aubergine recipe on The Noble Aubergine!  Aubergines are not exactly in season in the UK right now, but my veg box delivery has started to include them, probably grown undercover for an early crop, so I’m going…

Baked Spinach Polenta (with a spicy lentil sauce)

When my daughters were really little and learning to eat I used to make a version of this which they loved.  Baked polenta was firm enough and easy to grab in their chubby little fists, yet soft enough to bite with a gummy mouth and smear about the table.  After the need for such perfect…

Mushroom Lentil Slice

This is a really versatile recipe, it can be eaten as a hot main dish, with rice or potatoes and some veg, or it can be eaten cold with any sort of salads.  Or even popped in a lunch box as a tasty finger food.  Because of this versatility, it is also a good recipe…

Beetroot Hummus

So, I had a whole new bunch of beetroot in my veg box last week and I’m determined to win over the 3 (oh so nearly 4) year old with this wonderful vegetable.  We are told that eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables is a surefire way to know that you’re getting all the…

Paprika Stew with Dumplings

This is a failsafe basic dinner.  I wasn’t going to blog it because I thought it’d be too simple and dare I say ‘boring’ to be of any interest to anyone, but just because we eat this virtually every week during the winter, doesn’t mean to say that everyone does; and it would be rude…

Homage to the Cauliflower

I have had a turbulent history with this vegetable.  For many years I could either take or leave cauliflower, I didn’t find it in any way offensive, but neither did I find it in any way interesting.  It was something else to fill a plate, mainly on a Sunday and covered in gravy. Then I fell…

Mushroom & Chestnut Stew with Dumplings

I was inspired by a HFW recipe but I’ve changed it considerably to be a more hearty one pot meal, to take better advantage of a delicious protein source with a beautifully complimentary earthy flavour and to convert this into an easy peasy slow cooker recipe.  I think I’ve improved things, sorry Hugh. This is real…

Butternut Squash Barlotto

This is an old classic, nothing too new-fangled and inventive here – but this recipe can be easily veganized if you don’t want to eat dairy, and at no cost to the flavour either. I like to use barley, instead of or alongside the arborio rice. Partly because it’s a UK crop, I think that…

Frog in a Bog

We’ve celebrated the new year by adding two new birds to our small flock.  They are called Pebbles and Pip, named by both my daughters, and I hope they are welcomed with open wings into the coop.  So far so good, there’s been a bit of posturing, and a bit of squawking, but they now…

Banana ‘Tapenta’ Pancakes

At the age of three, my eldest daughter just could not say Polenta. We broke the word down into its 3 syllables, which she could manage perfectly well, but when put together it always came out Ta-pen-ta. Me: Pol Hazel: Pol Me: En Hazel: En Me: Ta Hazel: Ta ME: Pol-en-ta Hazel: Ta-pen-ta! Anyway – she…


As far as I can tell minestrone soup has no definitive recipe, but takes advantage of seasonal vegetables and a richly flavoured broth.  Many recipes call for a dark beef broth, or the addition of thin strips of fried bacon, to create that salty savoury depth. However, I’ve kept this very simple and vegetarian, and…