Oat Jars

There are many many many overnight oat recipes out there.  In fact, it seems to be quite the thing to blog about.  I’m not necessarily one to follow trend, and to be fair, I’m fairly late to jump on the bandwagon, but the pre made quick nutritious portable breakfast idea really appealed to me.  My…

Broccoli and Sweetcorn Fritters

I have played about with fritter recipes during the summer months, as a delicious way of coping with a glut of courgettes or french beans… but I thought I’d try something with seasonal broccoli, and polenta instead of the traditional gram flour.  These are not doughy, they have a firm bite and a crunchy outside,…

Banana ‘Tapenta’ Pancakes

Originally posted on The Noble Aubergine:
At the age of three, my eldest daughter just could not say Polenta. We broke the word down into its 3 syllables, which she could manage perfectly well, but when put together it always came out Ta-pen-ta. Me: Pol Hazel: Pol Me: En Hazel: En Me: Ta Hazel: Ta ME:…

Beautiful Banana Bread

I discovered four of these lurking in my fruit bowl today.  I used one in a quick banana and oat-milkshake for the children and then there were three.  These three to be precise.  So I thought it was about time for banana bread!  It’s often time for banana bread in our house, not only because…

Banana ‘Tapenta’ Pancakes

At the age of three, my eldest daughter just could not say Polenta. We broke the word down into its 3 syllables, which she could manage perfectly well, but when put together it always came out Ta-pen-ta. Me: Pol Hazel: Pol Me: En Hazel: En Me: Ta Hazel: Ta ME: Pol-en-ta Hazel: Ta-pen-ta! Anyway – she…

The Staff Of Life.

My whistle stop tour of the basics brings me to bread.  Bread moves in and out of vogue each season, one day we’re being told its the staple of a healthy Mediterranean diet, the next we’re told it’s a wheat, gluten and yeast laden evil which will make us bloated/lethargic/fat/depressed.  Bread might well be suffering…