Easy Beany Dip

  There is a reason why this post looks similar to my last one… it makes good use of that Green Midsummer Pesto and creates a versatile dip/spread/sauce to use however your imagination decides.  My blogging has been slack recently; the sun is out, work has been crazy, the garden has been demanding (and so…

Feel the Pulse

Pulses really are the answer to world peace.  True fact. My love affair with pulses started about 10 years ago when I was eating very little meat and on the verge of coming out of the closet as a vegetarian.  We now eat pulses virtually every day.  I put lentils in everything… and beans in…

Not Baked Beans

Remember, remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. Technically it was Bonfire Night last night, but tonight was our local event, a large bonfire, some loud fireworks and late to bed for the small ones.  This is our yearly commemoration of the failure…

Beans Glorious Beans.

        It’s a frosty morning, and a cold day puts me in the mind for hot food.  As I’ve been holding off creating this blog for so long I’ve got lots of basics I want to impart, and I’m hogging the only (barely!) working computer in the house to get this down….